iNLP Center Training Notes for VAK and Rapport Webinar
Posted on April 5th, 2017
Originally published at The NLP Course
NLP training notes for VAK and rapport workshop at iNLP Center. This is an iNLP enrollee course to review the VAK model and NLP rapport building techniques.
Workshop Name
Coaching with VAK and Rapport
Who Will Attend
iNLP Center students enrolled in any iNLP Center NLP or coach training.
Purpose of this Webinar
1. To support iNLP Center students so they feel good about training with iNLP.
2. To answer questions about practitioner training modules 2-3, specifically.
3. To provided added value with additional techniques like VAK Synergy.
4. To provide NLP practitioner cheats to help students implement NLP tools.
5. To have fun and build community.
VAK and Coaching Webinar Agenda
1. Introduce NLP trainer and welcome students.
2. Audio check-in with chat responses.
3. Primer for taking questions.
4. Q&A about modules 2-3.
5. Presentation of VAK Synergy (link to iNLP Center school site article) and possible demonstration with a student.
6. VAK coaching cheats.
7. Close with a reminder to continue the conversation on Facebook.
Notes on VAK Coaching Cheats
As an NLP practitioner or coach, how do we initiate conversations with clients? When we want to explore the client's VAK, how do we begin? Below are some situations in which to utilize VAK as an NLP coach, with examples of how you could respond.
1. When you want to use VAK for rapport-building, use the words from the same modality as the client.
Client: I just don't feel right about it.
Coach: Yes, so it's important that we get in touch with what does feel right.
Client: She sounds like she doesn't like me very much.
Coach: What do you hear her say that makes you believe she doesn't like you?
Client: I'm not seeing any solutions.
Coach: You're not seeing solutions, so it's important to gain a perspective in which solutions show up.
2. When you notice a client's modality and they are talking about compatibility or communication issues with others.
Example: I notice you tend to be a feeling-oriented person. How does (so-and-so) relate with feelings?
3. When you observe a stuck state related to any of the VAK modalities.
Example: I notice when you talk about your (stuck state) you are (having feelings, hearing something in your mind, seeing an image in your mind's eye). What is the (picture, sound or feeling) on the inside?
What other opportunities can you think of to use the NLP VAK model?